
Chaos in Cancun

Top: Topshop
Trousers: Zara
Bag: H&M
Flatforms: Office

Hey guys! As you may have noticed, I didn't have any time - or internet for that matter - to blog during my stay in Mexico.  I couldn't find my other camera, so for now I leave you with this solitary picture (sorry about the cone), but I promise more pictures will follow shortly!  I had a brilliant time with my family, and I honestly can't wait to go back and do it all again.  I hope you have all had a great summer (it's nearly over - eeek!) and I'll get back into blogging before you know it :)


  1. Wow what a beautiful backdrop! Lovely floral print trousers too

  2. this looks insane!! you have a some lovely photos :) xx

  3. Haha, yeah the beaches there are amazing.. shame I can't find my other camera to share the photos with you all :( Thank you though! xx


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